My Grandparents, Romulo and Alvina Morales were born in Southwest Texas to Mexican immigrants in the 1890’s and due to lack of education in the early 1900’s they were unable to have good jobs in the 1900’s. They were also discriminated for their ethnicity, however, there was a demand for labor but it paid low wages, but they had a passion for survival to raise a family. My Grandmother was blind but still managed to get up early and do housework, feed the chickens, work in the yard, do the washing and ironing, cook meals and I held the honor of being her guide to see. I was about seven years old then. I spent my growing up years with my grandparents in the 1950’s and 60’s and observed and learned from their endurance, their values, and their faith in God. In the 1930’s my grandfather labored in the fields picking cotton, fencing work, and WPA work. They were the first ones in our small Knickerbocker, Texas community to own a Model T automobile and the first ones to own a television set. This was because of my grandfather’s work ethic and ability to save some of his hard earned money. He was sought after for work by employers who knew he did quality work and was dependable. I believe my grandparents work principles and steadfastness shaped my work life and contributed to my successful career and retirement with telecommunications and my work as a CWA union officer committed to being a part of improving the work lives of CWA members and their families. Growing up around my grandparents gave me the best years of my life, because life wasn’t so complicated then, it was a fairy tale world for me. Little did I know then, that was because they gave me the security to be who I wanted to be: daring, exploring, and adventurous and sometimes a rebel. Their stillness and peace has given me some of my greatest memories. This has made me the Grandmother I am today. I want to be just like they were to me. Mary Garcia Served under CWA Local 6171 Krum, TX
The Best Years of My Life