I’m a grandparent of three medical students. I am retired now, but for the past 50 years, I worked at home writing books, 87 paperback books of mine are still in print. I also wrote lots of articles. Many of them are still online. In fact, many of my-same-age classmates are great grand parents now. I began writing June 17, 1959. You’re welcome to join my Facebook group on writing at home at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/healthresearchnews/ My paperback books are listed at amazon.com under the titles. What I taught my grandchildren about work was stay in medical school because it’s the only game in town where you won’t be fired due to old age discrimination alone, assuming you’re healthy enough as a senior to do your job well. I’m still writing, listening to music, and illustrating. And my great grandparents had to beat the quotas to get into medical school…,.Honoring my dad’s sister’s son, Jack, an M.D. who went to a U.S. medical school when it cost an affordable price in the 1920s. My dad’s sister was born in the 1870s. Her parents both were born in 1854. Dad was born in 1894, the youngest of 8 children.
I wrote books at home, and I’m a grandparent