Kindness And a Good Handshake Go a Long Way

Kindness And a Good Handshake Go a Long Way

Grandparents teach us wisdom, benevolence, and discipline. During my school breaks, I’ve been lucky to be able to watch my very own grandparents work by taking on a temporary job working directly alongside my grandfather. During our time working together, he’s taught a great many things, but no greater lesson has come from him than that of professionalism. Watching my grandfather work has taught me how to be a leader and a professional – and, perhaps most importantly, it’s taught me the importance of a good handshake! He’s also taught me that commitment is one of the most important qualities to have in the workplace. He’s shown me how loyalty and commitment are critical to both job performance and personal integrity.

My grandmother has taught me a great deal about the value of kindness in the workplace. She’s always offering her home up to those around her office who have nowhere to go for the holidays, and just about every year, she finds a student or employee to spend Thanksgiving or Christmas with us.

Mac Buffamonte is the son Kay Buffamonte, President of Local 752, the bargaining unit at the Philadelphia Zoo

Photo: Mac with his grandparents, who both still work full time at the same place they began their careers